
Lonardi Claudio s.r.l.
Via V.Pareto , 1/A   Z.I.
37045 San Pietro di Legnago ( Verona )  ITALY

Capitale Sociale Euro 53.120 i.v.
C.F. - P.I. 00886610237 - VAT: IT 00886610237
Iscr. Trib. VR n° 00886610237  CCiAA VR n° 166347
Tel.: ++39 0442 20607  Fax.: ++39 0442 21545
E-mail :

The entered data will not be communicated to third parties nor diffused. The writing has, in respect of this treatment, the rights under Art. 7 Legislative Decree no. N. 196/03, in particular, may at any time request confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him and can request correction or the immediate cancellation.

We are at your disposal for any inquiry. 
Please note that for technical and economic analysis we need some basic information: 
- Technical drawing format : PDF, DXF, STEP, IGES 
- Annual quantity to be produced 
- Material 
- Thickness of the material 
 The technical drawings can be sent to email address:


Contact form

I declare that I have read the Information and I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes indicated

Or write us to email address
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